Practice Shoot at Quainton 16th June 2019
A good turn out today. Mark H 41 Tod 40 Mark c 40 Paul b 39 Graham 38 John f 37 Jennifer 36 Adrian 36 Geoff e 36 Logan 36 Dawn 35 James c 34 Bill 34 John w 33 … Continue reading →
A good turn out today. Mark H 41 Tod 40 Mark c 40 Paul b 39 Graham 38 John f 37 Jennifer 36 Adrian 36 Geoff e 36 Logan 36 Dawn 35 James c 34 Bill 34 John w 33 … Continue reading →
Philippa Stroud Charity Shoot in support of Brain Tumour. Saturday 29th June 10am – 3pm Oxford Gun Company The story of an young girl extraordinary who overcame a brain tumour. Phillipa Stroud’s condition was discovered after a trip to the … Continue reading →
A lovely morning’s shooting with some tricky stands. Thank you Brian, Dawn, William and the Team for setting up the Shoot. There were some issues and complexities in setting up the shoot. One field was out of action because of … Continue reading →
I am writing to inform you that it is necessary for the club to increase the shoot costs as of 1st June as follows for all future practice shoots: Members: £10:00Juniors (under 16): £5:00Non members: £15:00 This has been brought … Continue reading →
Pete B 45Keith D 43Paul B 43Tod 40John f 39Keith S 38Jennifer 35Wally 35Bryan 34Adam 34Logan 34Dawn 34Geoff 32Jade 32Shirley 31George 30Anne 28James C 27Amanda 27Bill 26John A 25Joanne 23Chelsey 20Michael h 20Celia 18Anthony 16Graeme 15Mike 4GuestsSteve S S 47John … Continue reading →
We were lucky with the weather again this morning. A great turnout. Many thanks to Brian, Dawn and their assistants for such a testing set of stands. Logan 40Martin G 39Nick C 39Tod … Continue reading →
Following a fantastic sunny shoot in the quarry in Wales today we finally beat the Welsh at their home ground. I can’t remember ever beating them in all the years I have been going down to Wales. The High gun … Continue reading →
The practice shoot was held at Ludgershall. Excellent weather, warm and sunny and no wind. As usual, a mixture of demanding targets, and some easier stands to build up confidence. Why oh why did this shooter, on a stand where … Continue reading →
Good turn out at the shoot, cloudy and quite cool. This shooters bête noire were the right-to-left crossers, and the going-away teal.
Continue reading →Thankfully the rain of the previous days stayed away. Instead we had a windy day where some of the clay targets reversed their direction during their flight. We were introduced to a rabbit which bolted down the slope, leaping over … Continue reading →