I am writing to inform you that it is necessary for the club to increase the shoot costs as of 1st June as follows for all future practice shoots:
Members: £10:00
Juniors (under 16): £5:00
Non members: £15:00
This has been brought about by a number of factors based on the continual rise in the cost of clays and the fact that we no longer partake in the League shots. Being in the league gave the club 2 benefits in that it raised a sum of money especially when the weather was fine which led to greater numbers attending so boosting monies raised on the day. We have also lost out in that we no longer have the benefit of the pick-ups from these shoots during the year, which has then been reused during practice shoots so keeping the number of clays that have had to be bought down throughout the year.
As you will be well aware the practice shoots have been fixed at £5:00 for many years and while we have been able to offset this in relation to the points above this is no longer viable.
It should be remembered that even with this revised cost the practice shoots still offer exceptional value even at £10:00 for a 50 bird shoot.
Adrian Thwaites
Kingswood Gun Club