What a great turnout this morning for the Christmas shoot. Five stands with a total of 40 clays, followed by a four-person flurry. The day was dry, with a light breeze which made us a little cold. After the shoot we ate at the Village Hall where the prizes were awarded. Thank you again, Brian and Dawn, with your team for setting up such a good shoot and flurry.
The 40 clay shoot was won by Tod, 38/40, high lady Jennifer and high junior was Harry.
Tod 38 (High gun)
Keith 36
Mark Cooper 35
Wally 34
Steve 34
Jennifer 34 (High Lady)
Kevin 33
Ryan 33
Jim 32
Keith S 31
Tom R 31
Dawn 30
Paul 30
Dean Bell 29
Geoff E 28
Shirley 27
John 27
Anne 27
Bill 25
Celia 24
Tony H 21
Anthony 21
Geoff W 16
James C 16
Harry 25
Jade 24
Logan 19
Chelsey 18
The flurry was divided into 8 teams of four. The ‘dream’ team, organised by Tod won the match.
The winning team in the flurry was Jennifer, Wally, Paul, Tod
2nd - Jim, Keith, Dean, Jade
3rd - Shirley, Kevin, Keith S, John.
4th - Dawn, Geoff E, Harry, Chelsey.
5th - Logan, Geoff W, Anne, Tom R.
6th - Celia, Steve, Mark Cooper, Tony H.
7th - Bill, Ryan, Anthony, James.