- Jim
- Jennifer
- Mark
- Brian
- Geoff
- Tony
- Wally
- Shirley
- Adrian
- James
- Kevin
- Phillip
- Steve
- Celia
- Todd
- Anthony
- Callume
- Paul
- Malcolm
- Mark
- Gerry
The re election of the committee. It was agreed to remain the same
- Chairman – Adrian Thwaites
- Treasurer – Shirley Edwards
- Secretary – Jennifer Goss
- Vice Chairman – Jim Goss
- Committee Members
- Mark Hill,
- Brian Cartwright,
- Celia Phillips
Treasurers report Accepted by Adrian Thwaites
AGM 2016 Minutes Accepted by Adrian Thwaites
League shoot
To be held at Quainton 10th December
Brian to supply traps – Set up by club members on the Saturday before
Clays – Brian Cartwright to supply
Whisky & Wine – Shirley
Tea Wagon – Joe’s tea wagon
Pub- George & Dragon – Jennifer to Ask Publican
Pool shoot @ £3 per go, price to be a third of takings
No league shoot meeting announced
Practice shoots at alternative grounds depending on weather
- Ludgershall
- Doddershall
- Quainton
Non-Licensed shooters –Section 11.6 on all grounds is being renewed for the coming year.
Membership to remain at £30 a year.
Club Insurance and Trailer insurance in place
CPSA Membership renewed
Events for the year
Welsh shoot – Adrian to email Gerald at St Brides – Agreed not to go on a bank holiday
Provisionally 22nd April AT to confirm with Gerald, Mark agreed to drive.
Cartridge price to increase to £6 per box 12g £7.50 per box 20g
(To be reviewed by the committee through the year as the price increases)
Batteries are currently charged by Jim and taken to the shoots as required, if Jim is not able to bring the batteries to a shoot, Brian will supply them.
Trophy Shoots
Roger Phillips -2018 shoot – Agreed to set up a club shoot with sporting layout. Agreed 1st Practice shoot of July
Fred Dymock – 2018 shoot and BBQ. Agreed 1st Practice shoot of September after schools go back
£75 in restaurant vouchers or the value in cash or hampers per each landowner
£100 for rent of Quainton ground for league shoots
Closing of meeting 9.00pm